Building biceps is more than simply lifting weights; it’s also about consistency, appropriate technique, and nutrition. With persistence and the appropriate strategy, you can build magnificent biceps that will turn heads wherever you go.
Whether you’re a seasoned gym goer or just starting out, we’ve got you covered with 30 top-notch bicep routines to help you shape those guns. Prepare to roll up your sleeves and put in the effort, because these exercises are about to take your arm game to the next level.
Let us dive in and get those biceps pumping!
List of 30 Best Biceps Workouts to Build Killer Biceps
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1. Dumbbell Bicep Curl
Grabbing dumbbells, maintaining elbows close to the body, curling them upwards towards the shoulders. At the top of the movement, emphasize squeezing the biceps for maximum contraction, then lower the weights under control to complete the rep, ensuring constant tension on the muscles.
2. Barbell Curl
Holding a barbell with a shoulder-width grip, keep the elbows locked at the sides and curl the bar upwards towards the chest, focusing on the biceps doing the work. Slow, controlled movements are crucial to prevent swinging and maintain tension in the muscles throughout the exercise.
3. Hammer Curl
Using dumbbells, grip them with palms facing each other in a neutral position. Keeping the elbows stationary, curl the weights upwards, feeling the engagement in both the biceps and forearms. Maintain a steady pace and focus on the contraction at the top of the movement for optimal results.
4. Preacher Curl
Set up on a preacher bench with arms resting comfortably on the pad. Using either a barbell or dumbbell, curl the weight upwards while keeping the upper arms firmly pressed against the pad. This isolates the biceps, allowing for a full range of motion and maximum muscle activation.
5. Concentration Curl
Seated on a bench, allow one arm to hang freely between the legs while holding a dumbbell. Curl the weight upwards, concentrating on the bicep contraction throughout the movement. This exercise effectively targets the biceps and helps to address any strength imbalances between the arms.
6. Cable Curl
With a cable machine and an appropriate attachment, stand with feet shoulder-width apart, and grip the handle. Keeping the elbows close to the body, curl the handle towards the shoulders, squeezing the biceps at the top of the movement. The constant tension from the cable provides resistance throughout.
7. Reverse Curl
Holding a barbell with an overhand grip, curl the weight upwards towards the shoulders while keeping the wrists straight. This variation targets the brachialis muscle in addition to the biceps, resulting in overall arm development. Focus on controlled movements to maximize effectiveness and prevent injury.
8. Chin-Up
Grabbing a pull-up bar with an underhand grip, pull the body upwards until the chin is above the bar, engaging the biceps and back muscles. Lower the body back down in a controlled manner to complete one repetition. Adjust grip width to target different muscle groups.
9. Incline Dumbbell Curl
Set up on an incline bench with the back supported and arms hanging down. Curl the dumbbells upwards while maintaining control and a full range of motion. The incline angle helps to isolate the biceps and prevents cheating through momentum.
10. Zottman Curl
Start with an underhand grip and curl the dumbbells upwards. At the top of the movement, rotate the wrists so that the palms face downwards, then lower the weights in a controlled manner. This exercise effectively targets both the biceps and forearms for balanced arm development.
READ MORE: 10 Best No Equipment Bicep Workouts to Boost Arm Size at Home
11. Spider Curl
Lie face down on an incline bench, allowing the arms to hang straight down. Curl the weights upwards while keeping the upper arms stationary against the bench. This exercise eliminates momentum and isolates the biceps for maximum muscle engagement and growth.
12. Single Arm Cable Curl
Attach a single handle to the low pulley of a cable machine and stand sideways. Curl the handle across the body while keeping the elbow stationary. This exercise provides constant tension on the biceps throughout the movement, leading to greater muscle activation and growth.
13. Seven Half-Repetitions
Perform seven half-repetitions from the bottom to halfway, followed by seven half-repetitions from halfway to the top, and finish with seven full-range repetitions. This technique targets different parts of the bicep muscle and increases time under tension, promoting muscle growth and endurance.
14. Dumbbell Cross-body Hammer Curl
With dumbbells in each hand and palms facing the body, curl one dumbbell across the torso towards the opposite shoulder. Alternate sides to work both arms evenly and target the biceps and forearms effectively.
15. Scott Curl
Set up on a Scott bench with the arms resting comfortably on the pads. Curl the barbell upwards while maintaining strict form and control. This exercise isolates the biceps and minimizes the involvement of other muscles, leading to targeted muscle growth and strength development.
16. Resistance Band Curl
Step on the resistance band with both feet and grip the handles or ends. Curl the hands towards the shoulders, keeping the elbows close to the body and maintaining tension on the band throughout the movement. This exercise provides resistance in both the concentric and eccentric phases, challenging the biceps effectively.
17. Bodyweight Bicep Curl
Find a low bar or sturdy surface and grip it with underhand palms. Pull the body upwards, focusing on engaging the biceps to lift the body weight. Lower the body down in a controlled manner to complete one repetition. Adjust the difficulty by changing the height of the bar or surface.
18. Machine Preacher Curl
Adjust the seat and pad height to position the upper arms firmly against the pad. Curl the weight upwards while maintaining strict form and control. This machine variation effectively isolates the biceps and provides constant resistance throughout the movement, promoting muscle growth and strength development.
19. Isometric Bicep Hold
Hold a pair of dumbbells at a 90-degree angle with the elbows, maintaining tension in the biceps. Hold this position for as long as possible, focusing on squeezing the muscles and resisting fatigue. This exercise increases time under tension and promotes muscle endurance and strength.
20. Barbell Drag Curl
Stand with a narrower grip on the barbell and drag it upwards along the body, keeping it close to the torso. Squeeze the biceps at the top of the movement, then lower the weight in a controlled manner. This exercise targets the biceps and emphasizes the eccentric phase for greater muscle activation and growth.
21. Bodyweight Chin-Up Hold
Pull the body upwards until the chin is above the bar, then hold this position for as long as possible. Focus on engaging the biceps and back muscles to support the body weight. This exercise increases grip strength and endurance while promoting muscle growth in the upper body.
22. Static Bicep Curl
Hold a weight at the midpoint of a bicep curl and maintain this position for as long as possible. Focus on keeping tension in the biceps and resisting fatigue. This isometric exercise strengthens the muscles at the sticking point of the movement and improves overall muscle endurance.
23. Band Curl with Twist
Attach a resistance band to a low anchor point and grip the handle with an underhand grip. Curl the handle upwards while twisting the wrist so that the palm faces upwards at the top of the movement. This exercise targets the biceps and forearms effectively while providing constant tension on the muscles throughout the movement.
24. 90 Degree Bicep Curl
Sit on a bench with back support and hold dumbbells at a 90-degree angle with the elbows. Curl the weights upwards towards the shoulders while maintaining strict form and control.
Squeeze the biceps at the top of the movement, then lower the weights in a controlled manner.
This exercise isolates the biceps and minimizes the involvement of other muscles, leading to targeted muscle growth and strength development.
25. Eccentric Bicep Curl
Focus on the lowering phase of the bicep curl, resisting gravity as the weight is lowered slowly. Maintain tension in the biceps throughout the movement and control the descent of the weight. This exercise emphasizes eccentric muscle contraction, leading to greater muscle damage and growth.
26. Towel Bicep Curl
Wrap a towel around a barbell or dumbbell and grip it with both hands. Curl the weight upwards while maintaining tension in the towel and keeping the elbows close to the body. This exercise challenges grip strength and stability while effectively targeting the biceps and forearms.
27. Bicep Blaster Curl
Secure the arms in a bicep blaster device and curl the barbell upwards while maintaining strict form and control. This exercise isolates the biceps and minimizes the involvement of other muscles, leading to targeted muscle growth and strength development.
28. Isometric Chin-Up
Pull the body upwards until the chin is above the bar and hold this position for as long as possible. Focus on engaging the biceps and back muscles to support the body weight. This exercise increases grip strength and endurance while promoting muscle growth in the upper body.
29. Kettlebell Curl
Grip a kettlebell with the palms facing upwards and curl it upwards towards the shoulders while maintaining strict form and control. Squeeze the biceps at the top of the movement, then lower the kettlebell in a controlled manner. This exercise targets the biceps and forearms effectively, promoting muscle growth and strength development.
30. Plate Curl
Grip a weight plate with the fingertips and curl it upwards towards the shoulders while maintaining strict form and control. Squeeze the biceps at the top of the movement, then lower the weight plate in a controlled manner.
This exercise targets the biceps effectively, promoting muscle growth and strength development.
Here is the summary of the blog titled “30 Best Biceps Workouts to Build Killer Biceps“
- Dumbbell Bicep Curl
- Barbell Curl
- Hammer Curl
- Preacher Curl
- Concentration Curl
- Cable Curl
- Reverse Curl
- Chin-Up
- Incline Dumbbell Curl
- Zottman Curl
- Spider Curl
- Single Arm Cable Curl
- Seven Half-Repetitions
- Dumbbell Cross-body Hammer Curl
- Scott Curl
- Resistance Band Curl
- Bodyweight Bicep Curl
- Machine Preacher Curl
- Isometric Bicep Hold
- Barbell Drag Curl
- Bodyweight Chin-Up Hold
- Static Bicep Curl
- Band Curl with Twist
- 90 Degree Bicep Curl
- Eccentric Bicep Curl
- Towel Bicep Curl
- Bicep Blaster Curl
- Isometric Chin-Up
- Kettlebell Curl
- Plate Curl
Final Words
So there you have it, folks: the perfect way to develop killer biceps! With these 30 excellent workouts and some sound advice, you’ll be well-prepared to push your arm game to new heights. Now, go on, pump iron, and watch those biceps develop!
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1. How often should I train my biceps?
Ans. It’s generally recommended to train your biceps 2-3 times per week with at least 48 hours of rest between sessions to allow for adequate recovery and muscle growth.
2. Can I build biceps without weights?
Ans. Yes, you can build biceps using bodyweight exercises like chin-ups, pull-ups, and variations of push-ups that target the arms. Resistance bands and household items like water bottles or bags filled with books can also be used for effective bicep workouts.
3. Should I do high reps or heavy weights for bicep growth?
Ans. Both approaches can be effective for bicep growth. Incorporating a mix of moderate to heavy weights with lower reps (6-10) and lighter weights with higher reps (12-15) can help target different muscle fibers and promote overall muscle development.
4. How long does it take to see results in bicep size?
Ans. The timeline for seeing results in bicep size varies depending on factors like genetics, diet, consistency in training, and intensity of workouts. With a well-designed training program and proper nutrition, noticeable gains can typically be seen within 8-12 weeks.
5. Should I train my biceps with other muscle groups or separately?
Ans. Both approaches can be effective, depending on your overall fitness goals and training preferences. Some prefer to train biceps with other muscle groups like back or shoulders, while others prefer to dedicate a separate day solely to bicep training for maximum focus and intensity.
6. Are there any specific dietary recommendations for building bigger biceps?
Ans. While there’s no specific diet just for biceps, consuming an adequate amount of protein is essential for muscle growth and repair. Aim to include lean protein sources like chicken, fish, tofu, and beans in your diet, along with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates to support overall muscle development. Additionally, staying hydrated and getting enough rest is crucial for optimal recovery and muscle growth.